Fall in Albuquerque

Balloon Fiesta
I love fall, it is my favorite time of year. I love the crisp feel of the air on my face as I walk Aaron to the bus. I love the smell of the rains that we have been blessed with. It reminds me of baptism when everything is cleansed and made pure. It makes everything more beautiful. It is also State Fair time and Balloon Festival. The State Fair is just about the same every year, but when I think of it I remember past fair days with our family, roasted corn, and of course Turkey legs. Great stuff!! I love driving and seeing beautiful colored Hot Air Balloons dotting the sky. The smell of fresh roasted green chile.It gives such great variety to the seasons.

State Fair Smoked Turkey Leg

State Fair Roasted Corn on the Cob

Smell of chile roasting

Taking it home to eat it!
So many things have happened this month, nothing spectacular, just busy. With the start of school, there were supplies to be bought, numerous trips to UNM bookstore( too many and too much!), routines to set in place and new teachers to adjust to. It is always an exciting new beginning of another adventurous year, and a sad realization that time goes by too fast. Unlike most mothers that can't wait to scoot their kids out of the door after the long summer, I miss their smiles, teasing, companionship, and spirits round about me. I go through withdrawals when school starts. It is so sad how much control the school has on my children. They reach the age of 5 and they are controlled for 5 days out of seven, for 9 1/2 months of the year, and they call you by their teachers name or worse....call their teacher mom!!!!!!!!!!!! Sometimes I contemplate home schooling again. Wish I was more confident that I could provide all the educational needs of my kids.
I have so many projects to get accomplished though and am not sure where to start!!! I have been spring cleaning in the fall since my house and yard were kind of neglected while I was gone this summer. The saying "It's easier to keep up than to catch up" sure keeps coming to mind lately. As soon as I finish the closets and cupboards, I am going to finish my painting job I started in the spring.
Kristin is in a new relationship with a kind, attentive guy she met a year ago and just hasn't had the chance to get to know until now. Both Kristin's best friend and her new boyfriend's best friend got married in August and in setting up and chivalrying their car, got together. Both were tyring to figure out where they stood now that their friends were married and now all they can see is each other, so that made the transition easier. It is great to see my Kristin happy again. She loves his family and he seems to love us. My boys already consider him a brother and pick on him all the time. He seems comfortable around us and natural... like what you see is what you get. He is polite and gracious. He offers help and wants to do service for us. He is really into (maybe a little obsessed) with sports and cars. The boys in our family really like sports too. Being a Cowboys fan is a plus too. Sports can be great fun, but I feel there are so many more spiritual things in life that our time can be spent on. Too many practices and games on Sunday or YM/YW nights can pull them away from the gospel. Balance I think is important, and God and spirit should always be first. Cameron served an LDS mission in France and is active at church. His dad is in the bishopric in his ward. I feel he is a little too tough guy at times and he is quite competitive, but he does have a softer, gentler side if you draw it out. I also know that he can protect and keep my Kristin safe and wouldn't hesitate to do so. He is very motivated and goal oriented. I see the best in him when he talks about his mission experience and his family. It sounds like his mission was a tough road but great life changing experience at the same time. He is smart and working on being an Opthamologist. Family is of great importance to him and he wants to settle here. Yeah! I can also tell that Kristin has made quite an impression on him and his family. There have been quite a few hints lately as to their future intentions. Kristin was in a relationship last Jan - May and they were talking marriage in the fall.... Well obviously that didn't happen. They parted ways and moved on in their lives. I am so grateful that Kristin is so in tune to the spirit and talks often with her Father in Heaven. She felt that this last relationship wasn't meant to be. I know that when the time is right, she will know with out any doubts.
As a mother though it is so hard to see your kids trials and emotions at this time of their life. You want to support their choices of possible eternal mates and make them part of your family... Then for one reason or another circumstances change and they move on to look again. The kids move on, but how does mom move on from one possible new son or daughter to another. These kids become part of your lives and you forever care about their well being, both spiritual and physical. I am finding it hard to open my heart as much this time to the possibility of a new son in law. I want to be excited and happy for them but feel such reservations. It's like a protection in case things don't work out this time. (What do you think?) Kristin keeps asking me what I think of him. Cameron and I have talked quite a bit and although the two are so different, the differences seem to compliment each other, which could be a great strength together. I know they are to the I love you's already and things have progressed quite quickly. She also asked her dad the other night what he thought of Cameron. His comment was... I don't think about Cameron... Should I? He said he talked a lot and seemed like a nice guy, but....................... You know no one will ever be good enough for my daughter. I don't think that is what Kristin wanted to hear, but she should have known that would be his reaction already.
Eric is a senior this year and many plans are already in the works. He has made a decision to serve a mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, and has already been talking to the Bishop. It is something he has considered for a while. He has prayed and struggled with what he wanted to do after graduation. He wants to go into CAD design. He contemplated the service (mom's worst fear) He contemplated serving a mission. He had a great experience at EFY at BYU this summer and said he finally knew that he wanted to serve a mission before he started his career. Most young men graduate at 18, go to school and work a while until they turn 19 ( age to be eligible to serve) and then leave on a two year mission. Eric was held back years ago and is already 18. He will turn 19 in December. Bishop wants to submit his paper work in December... have Eric receive his call in March and leave by June 1, 1009. This would be about 3 weeks after he graduates. This is a great sacrifice for the young men who serve. They put their educational plans on hold for two years to serve the Lord. They can write letters, but have no verbal contact except for Mother's Day and Christmas. They watch no TV, listen to only gospel music, get up at 6:00 and do scripture study... walk, ride bikes, or rarely drive a car to teach whomever will listen 6 days out of 7. They get one day a week to do laundry, wear comfy clothes and rest. I have yet to hear a young man say it was the worst choice of their life. Instead I see young men come back grown men... spiritual men... strong men... ready to tackle whatever life may throw at them. They say it was the best experience of their lives, not always the easiest, but the best. I am excited for Eric and yet the mother in me already misses him. He does everything for me! He has been given a gift of talking and getting to know people though and I see him being a great influence for good in the world. I know his rewards for this decision will be great and eternal. I have a feeling this year will fly by faster than any other for me.
I also have a trip planned next month. After crying and missing my babies in Utah, my husband had a frequent flier ticket and I am going back to Utah for 5 days. Yeah!!!!!!!!!!! Then it won't be so long till I see my kids at Thanksgiving. Thank you honey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Okay so this is why I should do this more often.................
Too much info at one time. Sorry!
Til next time.