Thursday, April 2, 2009

I'm it! Maybe this is a hint that I've not written for a while!
Kristin Compton tagged me:

4 Jobs I've Had:

1. Worked at McDonald's

2. Worked on the Labor Gang in the Phelps Dodge Mine in Tyrone, NM shoveling rock
and coal dust. Hardest Physical job ever!

3. Piano Teacher

4. Childcare

4 Movies I've watched more than once:

1. Seven Brides for Seven Brother's

2. Lord of the Rings

3. Little House on the Prarie series

4. Love Comes Softly series

4 Places I've Been:

1. California

2. Myrtle Beach, NC

3. England

4. Niagra Falls in NY

4 Places I've Lived:

1. Silver City, NM

2. Las Cruces, NM

3. Albuquerque, NM

4. Rio Rancho, NM

Iv'e wandered far..............

4 People Who Email Me Regularly:

1. Katrina

2. Aunt Tina

3. Carol Bowerman

4. Brenda Parsons

4 Favorite Foods:

1. Chinese

2. Duth oven chicken

3. chicken chimichangas with red and green chili

4. Asparagus,zuccini,portabella mushrooms, onions saute'd with garlic salt

4 Things I'm Looking Forward to This Year:

1. Stress relief

2. Trip to Utah

3. Wedding over

4. Time with my mother

4 TV shows I Watch:

1. American Idol

2. Heros

3. Lost

4. Dancing with the stars

4 People I Tag:

1. Heather C

2. Rendie M

3. Jeri S

4. Krisie Leigh