I am taking my daughter Kristin with me as she is having a rough week. We thought we had adopted our new son in law to be.....things didn't work out so well. She had been unhappy and miserable and they decided to break thing off. She said it was hard, but feels a feeling of relief and comfort after much prayer and soul searching. She went to the temple grounds the other day and came home crying. I know it is hard now not only for her but all of us. It is amazing how much you come to love the companions and friends your children bring into your life. I know Heavenly Father will help her find the right eternal companion someday. I'ts not always an easy road though.
Steve's dad is getting worse with his alzheimers and they had to sign papers last week to reserve a private nursing home room for him. It really stinks to see your parents age ungracefully. I pray when it is my time to go I go to sleep and wake up in heaven like my Grandmother Elder did.
My good news or bad, it depends on how you look at it. I have been called to the Relief Society Presidency as 2nd Councilor. I am excited and a little nervous. I can's wait to see where Heavely Father helps me to grow. I love doing music and still am since we are kind of music poor in our ward, but it is nice to stretch the spiritual growth some more. I have wonderful sisters to work with and enjoy their spirits and companionship. Ask me in a few months if I'm still excited. We had our first enrichment board meeting yesterday and it was so fun hearing everyones great ideas. Let's see if we make out okay for my first enrichment on June 5!
My other good news! NO MORE PROJECTS FOR AARON'S ClASS! YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!Tommorow we get rid of the stinky plant he has been watering with milk. Yuck! It finally had to be moved to the front porch. I was getting a little grumpy after 4 major projects in the last two weeks, a book fair, and a field trip. I love helping so much but I'm a little on overload lately.
Sorry my blogs are so depressing! Baby Zoe is almost here though and I'm sure the mood of my topics will soon change. Katrina was just here for her shower and of course we didn't get enough time. We had fun poking Zoe and chasing her around Katrina's belly. Danielle even go out her stethescope. I asked Katrina if she felt violated yet! Ha Ha She said she was enjoying the attention. I love them all so much! Missed Daddy Matt though!
God Bless til next time!
It was so fun to be home! And both Zoe and I did enjoy the attention quite a bit. Can't wait to see you in a couple weeks!
Love you!
I am so sorry to hear you Father isn't being cared for. That would be so hard! I am, thought, happy you get to see your parents, school's almost out and Zoe is almost here! Hang in there. It always gets really ugly before it gets pretty. This hard time will blow over.
"When you get to the place where you would worry,
Stop and pray." -Edgar Cayce
Everything will be great! You and your family are in my prayers!
Hi! This is Kristen (Woodworth), and I can't believe I found your blog!!! Long time no see huh? I love it. You have a beautiful family, and I was sooooo excited to see Kat. So wonderful to see you too! I hope your mom and dad are doing better. We'll pray for them! Love you lots.
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