I have felt a little overloaded recently as I have contemplated all the events that have happened and are yet to happen. I thought I'd share a little soul searching with you. I've compliled a few of my thoughts on summer.
Summer has arrived and now what? You’ve worked hard all winter and are ready to use your well earned vacation to escape, play, and have quality time. The kids are home from school for the summer and you have to keep them entertained and enriched. It is warm and you can do outdoor activities, visit family, visit places you’ve always dreamed of going. The possibilities are endless... right?
Summer can also be a time when we as women overload ourselves with so many activities that by mid - summer we are tired, irritable, unhappy, stressed etc… The rigors of the planning weigh on us and we forget to take care of our most basic needs. We set up well laid plans and then suddenly unexpected situations happen that seem to pull us in too many directions. We feel we are failing because we aren’t accomplishing all the things we dreamed would happen this summer. Stop! Breath!! Set short term realistic goals for the summer. Take care of yourself first and you and your families will be happier. Find some quiet time regularly to think deeply about where you are going and what you will need to do to get there. Pray and be in tune to the Spirit so the Lord can guide your choices. He might bring to mind a better activity than you had already planned. Take care of you and your family’s spiritual needs first. “Seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you” (3 Ne. 13:33). Prioritize and make the activities quality, activities. Don’t book every minute of your day. Leave time for family, for service, and to just relax and be yourself. • Make the best use of the time you have, and consider eliminating less-important activities. Get organized and write important events on a calendar. Watch your spending. Get enough rest. Exercise is listed as the #1 reducer of stress and promotes physical and emotional wellbeing. Take some time for yourself so you can be there for others. “Do not run faster or labor more than you have strength and means … but be diligent unto the end” (D&C 10:4). Don’t beat yourself up if you don’t meet all your goals. Look at what you did do this summer; you’ll be surprised at what you did accomplish. Life is too short and we never know what tomorrow may bring so make the best of each day. You are precious in God’s sight and he loves you. Start a great summer!
• Put the Lord first in your life. Always make time to pray, and read the scriptures daily.
• Get organized. Make a “to do” list or a schedule.
• Prioritize. Decide which things are most important and do those first.
• Write important events on a calendar and refer to it frequently.
• Keep the Sabbath day holy. You might not think there are enough hours in the day to do all you need to do, but remember Sunday is the Lord’s day, and He will bless you if you are obedient.
• “Do not run faster or labor more than you have strength and means … but be diligent unto the end” (D&C 10:4). Make the best use of the time you have, and consider eliminating less-important activities.
• Ask for help. Turn to your family, friends, or teachers if your load becomes unbearable and you don’t know what to do.
• Pray for help. Heavenly Father knows the pressures you are under, and He can help ease your burdens.
• Listen to the Spirit. You might feel prompted to do something you hadn’t planned on doing.
• In all your scheduling, don’t book every minute of your day. Leave time for family, for service, and to just relax and be yourself.
This is such a great post! I am so glad you shared.
Hey! I don't thin I got you e-mail right!
can you send it to me again?!
and I can e-mail you phone numbers and such!
Love you!
Updates please! I want to know how you and your fam are doing!
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