Saturday, July 19, 2008

Been busy! Great Busy!

My time is ending soon with my kidos. I am leaving home Monday. It has been a great adventure and will be hard to leave. I am homesick though and miss my husband and daughter. They are going on a father/daughter date tonight. I am going to miss my babies extremely. I have so many unfinished projects hanging at home and have abandoned my Relief Society Presidency long enough. Things just aren't the same in someone else's home. I wouldn't trade the last few week for anything though. I will be back to Utah for the baby's blessing.( another long drive) Good thing love and loneliness is a driving force. Danielle and Chad have been here this week and time seems to just slip away with us wondering what exactly we did each day. We had a girl's night out Thursday. Katrina got brave enough to go to a bead party at her sister in laws. We made jewelry and drove by to check on the progress of their new house. Nothing!!!!!!!!!!! They were supposed to have started breaking ground the week Zoe was born, but not a thing has been done. The kids found out that the seller they were working with quit and the builders couldn't find the paperwork. Now their move in date has been pushed to November. That means the kids will have to move in in the Utah winter now. That stinks. Yesterday I got to keep Zoe while the kids went to the premier of the new Batman movie. We went to the apartment pool last night and Zoe had her first outing in the stroller. They watched us play and we walked back and tried to find enough towels for all of us. Today has been a lazy day. The kids are at the pool again and Katrina and I are here hanging out with Zoe. Nell and Chad fly home tomorrow and we go home Monday. Hope all goes well with new motherhood for my big baby!

1 comment:

Jacque said...

How fun Nancy! I am reliving my beginning of my motherhood reading all of this! I am so proud of Katrina. What a beautiful family you have!