I got back in time to see RRHS Band compete in the State competiotion Zia. It was fantastic. I don't think I have ever seen RRHS do so well all around. The music, the marching, the horn section, the visual. Wow! I am so proud. The kids also went to Colorado and did equally well. They also had a blast.
My son decided to live up the life of a senior and become a Rythman for the powderpuff game. Homecoming week. I wish I knew how to post video.... He was sooo graceful......or maybe not. The costume was custom designed by one of the rythmettes. Lovely????!!!!!I do have a few pictures makeup and all.
Eric is the one with very little material covering the middle of his chest!!!Yikes!
I also was in a wreck last weekend and am waiting to see if my van is totaled or not. No one was injured, just my nerves and dignity. No one was sited as it was extreme heavy traffic and due to emergency vehicles trying to get though an intersection. I had to 11 yr olds in my car screaming what direction the emergency crews were coming, while I'm smack dab in the middle of the intersection. The truck in front of me moved forward and I thought that I would be able to move up and out of the way. As I began to move, the boys yells the fire truck is coming right at you. On my right side. I looked to the right and turned back to look at the truck in front of me ( slamming on her brakes and swerving to not hit the car in front of her. I slammed on mine and went into her trailer hitch on the back of the truck. My son started yelling the car is on fire as smoke was coming around his feet inside the car. I quickly evacuated the boys onto the small triangular light median and jumped out of the van. Needless to say the fire truck stayed and took care of us. Not sure what happened to the people they were originally called out to. I didn't know at the time until I went to the car place a took a better look. The hitch went straight into my impact bar in the front of the van and bent it into a v directly into the radiator. So instead of smoke in my van it was the steam from the radiator. I feel very grateful that no one was hurt. The van although we just finished paying it off.... sob sob sob.. is just a thing. Our lives aren't. I am greatful my Father in Heaven was protecting us. I didn't say my prayes that morning as usual to protect us as we traveled for the day. I grumbled about having to drive my boys to an 11 yr old scout camp and stay there doing nothing for the whole day when I had a lesson to prepare for the folling day at church. I was tired and grumpy all day and kept saying what if I went the other way home.... what if I had gone home early and let another mother pick up the boys. You can what if all you want, but sometimes bad things happen and we can't change it. I will be a more concious of saying my prayers, be a little less grummpy, try not to murmer so much in the future,pay mor attention to the car in front of me instead of screaming boys,and the emergency vehicles will just have to be patient and wait for the intersection to clear. All events teach us things. I know that had it been our time to return to heaven, He would have taken us. I also know that because it was not, lessons were learned, faith was strengthen and my testimony of the love and protection of my Savior heightened. I still had to go home and prepare a spiritual message for the next day and had trouble focusing on the task at hand. It took numerous prayers to pull myself together, but once again the Lord took me in his hand and said.... follow me and I will give you peace among trials... and He did. Now I am awaiting their decision to fix or total my van. Getting a rental car was not enjoyable as it smelled like a smokeshop and had a wet puddle of coffe under the drivers side. It was a nice care a Dodge Magnum. Wouldn't mind checking into this for a future car. Finally got another car. Yeah!
smells better.....not quite as roomy and nice, but it smells clean!
See I waited to long to do this again and my post is forever long!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Newest news...........................Krisin got engaged on Thursday night. She is so happy she says her cheeks hurt. I promised her sister that I'd post pictures that we took after they came back to the house.
Kristin got together with Cameron at her best friends wedding. He was the best man. they've been together since.
Thursday Cameron told Kristin he was taking her to dinner in old town plaza. On their way he said" lets go over here first". He proceeded to take her to the gazeebo in the center of the park. (They've been here before and he tried to get her to dance with him to no music. She got embarassed and wouldn't) She asked him if he was going to make her dance again... He said no and walked her up the gazeebo. He said he had something for her....(you can quess what she was expecting....) But not whst she thought. He pulls out a box and tells her to open it.... it is a watch.
She reluctantly said oh, thanks, and she asked what that was for... He told her to pull out the stem on the watch... she again asked why and he told her ... so she would know what time he proposed to her...
he then proposed and obviously she said yes. They went back to their car and drove to Cameron's parents house and then mine. We took a couple of pictures.
When he got ready to go home from our house that night he hugged me and said..."thanks for letting me marry your daughter!" I told him I haven't let him yet. After a moment of thought, silence(rare with cameron) and disbelief I think he said...."Well thanks for letting me take the first step to getting there" and laughed. He went home and Kristin said she was starving. He never did feed her. She didn't want to spoil the whole proposal so she never told him she was starving. She had an apple and went to bed. Amazing how filling love is.............
1 comment:
We LOVED having you and can't thank you enough for getting her to take the binky and keeping up with her schedule!
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